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The Seagoon Memoirs

Chronicling a 21st century idiot's obsession with a 1950s radio comedy masterpiece.

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A digital
time capsule

Welcome, dear reader - pull up a bollard.

On 28 May 1951, four young men took to the airwaves on the BBC's Home Service to launch their unique brand of comedy on an unsuspecting world.

In the mid-1990s, an even younger idiot was introduced to recordings of their broadcasts - and there began a strange obsession crossing decades and generations.

The Seagoon Memoirs is an attempt to channel this obsession into something creative, chronicle the show's history, development and legacy, and in some small way contribute to preserving this masterpiece of British radio comedy.

Listen to me waffle on about the Goons on the excellent Goon Pod here. Alternatively, listen to more interesting people on other episodes of Goon Pod, including Jane Milligan, Al Murray, Dirk Maggs, and the cast of 'Spike!', the new Milligan/Goon-themed play by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman.

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Minnie Bannister

We’re on to episode eight of the fourth series. On 20 November 1953 ‘The Missing Bureaucrat’ was broadcast – as can be clearly seen on...

Canned Goons?

The Radio Times didn’t always ‘get’ the Goons. A case in point is this article from September 1958 previewing broadcasts of the Vintage...

Danger! Goons at Play

On this day in 1955, the Radio Times hit the newsstands with a lengthy article on the Goons by writer Richard Bennett. Headlined 'Danger!...

The Rock (no, not that one)

The Goons travelled to the Mediterranean for episode five of the fourth series, to tell ‘The Gibraltar Story’. It was broadcast at 9:30pm...

'No fit subject for mirth'

For episode four of the fourth series, Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens wrote a single story through the whole half-hour – one of the...

Justin Eidelburger

Episode three of the fourth series was broadcast on 16 October 1953, as per page 42 of the Radio Times. It was entitled, rather...

The Dreaded Piano Clubber

Here it is folks! Series four, episode one: ‘The Dreaded Piano Clubber’. Broadcast on 2 October 1953, the Radio Times shows it at 9:30pm...

A variety summer

The life of a comedian in the 1950s was a tough one. For our intrepid Goon Show stars, the Sunday night recording of each episode was a...

Spike’s poetry

English schoolchildren for generations were expected to learn certain “classic” poems and be able to recite them from memory. This was...

Spike's memoirs

Bloodnok: Waiter! One brandy, and pronto! Spriggs: One brandy and pronto coming up! Greenslade: Those were the last words said at peace....

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